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“女人如花”芬芳绽放 ——海南西部中心医院人才工作站主办“她”力量系列活动第二期圆满完成

发布时间:2022-05-11        发布者:毛华丰        信息来源:本站

The fragrance of "women are like flowers" blooms——The second phase of the "she" strength series activities hosted by the Talent Workstation Of Hainan West Central Hospital was completed successfully

At 8 p.m. on May 8, although it was cloudy and rainy, it was very lively in the training room of Dayi tea Lanxin college school. It turned out that the "her strength" women salon with the theme of "women are like flowers" was being held here on Mother's day. The event was presided over by Guilian Chen, the person in charge of Danzhou of Taiping brokerage. More than 20 women, including Changru Yu , a three-level researcher of Danzhou Women's Federation; Chen Mei, secretary general of the Talent Workstation Of Hainan West Central Hospital, and Xiuqian Su, deputy director of Women's Committee of Hainan West Central Hospital participated in the event.

      据悉,“她”力量女性沙龙活动为系列活动,本场为第二期,由海南西部中心医院(以下简称西部医院)人才工作站主办,儋州市妇联(以下简称市妇联)指导,海南西部中心医院妇委会、海南西部中心医院U-Talk Corner英语角、太平经纪儋州分部协办。活动旨在汇集女性力量形成榜样,引领、培养一批适应新时代的优秀女性,以贡献智力助力儋洋一体化发展,成为海南自贸港的弄潮儿。
It is reported that the "she" power women salon is a series of activities. This is the second phase. It is hosted by the Talent Workstation of Hainan West Central Hospital (hereinafter referred to as the Western Hospital), guided by Danzhou Women's Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Municipal Women's Federation), and coorganized by the Women's Committee of Hainan West Central Hospital, the U-Talk English Corner of Hainan West Central Hospital and the Danzhou branch of Taiping brokerage. The activity aims to gather women's strength to form an example, lead and cultivate a group of excellent women to adapt to the new era, contribute intelligence to the development of Danyang integration, and become a trendsetter of Hainan Free Trade Port.


      Shone on the stage and entered a good place

In order to let the female friends who participated in the activity know each other and enhance exchanges, Changru Yu,a three-level researcher of the Municipal Women's Federation, made an opening speech. She stressed the theme of the activity "the importance of talents" and sent everyone good wishes for mother's day. Next, the participants appeared on the stage in turn and made a concise self introduction from the aspects of work nature, personal hobbies and life experience. The working industries of the participants involved medical treatment, insurance, education, taxation, law firms, hotels, health care and other industries, and their personal hobbies were more colorful. Everyone was funny and humorous, and laughter echoed at the activity site. After a round of introduction, everyone's respective images were more vivid and three-dimensional, increasing mutual understanding, and the scene atmosphere was getting better and better.


The fragrance of flowers overflowed everywhere and enjoyed happiness
In the most anticipated part of flower arrangement, Ms. Chen who was proficient in flower art, taught you basic skills, starting from flower shape, color and collocation, and conducted on-site demonstration. She patiently explained to you the tips of selecting bouquets, flower arrangement skills and precautions. The vivid explanation made everyone have a strong interest in the art of flower arrangement. Under the guidance of Ms. Chen, the eager skillful sisters entered the creative state one after another, using the flowers in their hands to give full play to their imagination and creativity. All kinds of flowers were cleverly matched together, and soon a basket of flower art works were born one after another. The scene was full of flowers, and everyone showed their works to each other. The venue was full of warm and happy atmosphere, pushing the activity to a climax.

   接下来的环节为就事先收集的题卡进行交流,会场共收集了五个高频问题。第一个问题是:事实婚姻VS法律婚姻,你知多少?由泰和泰专职律师刘沙沙从专业的角度为大家讲解了二者的区别,并提出来相应处理的建议。第二个问题是:成为母亲的角色后,如何平衡家庭与事业的关系?由西部医院人才工作站秘书长、组织人事科主任陈梅为大家分享经验,她强调要在实际中做“减法”,抓好生活中的“三关系”—健康、家庭、事业。之后,西部医院泌尿外科护士长叶琨妮就“女性尿失禁的二三事”,从原因、危害、锻炼三方面进行了专业的分享。接着,西部医院妇委会副主任、门诊护士长苏秀乾为大家讲解“诊疗服务,如何高效便捷?”,比如关注公众号进行提前预约等小技巧。最后,就“女性如何做好家庭财务规划” 话题,太平经纪儋州负责人陈桂莲从专业及个人经验角度进行分享遵循“顺其自然”的原则,优先考虑“保本”,比如:保险、养老、定期储蓄等。大家畅所欲言,会场呈现一派花团锦簇、踊跃奋进的良好氛围!大家均表示在活动中收获颇丰。


Flowers and flowers, how much do you know

The next step was to exchange the question cards collected in advance. A total of five high-frequency questions were collected at the venue. The first question is: how much do you know about de facto marriage vs legal marriage? Shasha Liu , a full-time lawyer of Taihe, explained the differences between the two from a professional perspective and put forward corresponding suggestions. The second question is: how to balance the relationship between family and career after becoming a mother? Chen Mei, secretary general of the Talent Workstation and director of the Organization and Personnel Department of Western Hospital, shared her experience. She stressed the need to "subtract" in practice and paid close attention to the "three relationships" in life - health, family and career. After that, kunni Ye, head nurse of Urology Department of Western Hospital, made a professional sharing on the "two or three things of female urinary incontinence" from three aspects: cause, harm and exercise. Then, Xiuqian Su , deputy director of the Women's Committee of Western Hospital and head nurse of Outpatient Department, explained "how efficient and convenient is the diagnosis and treatment service?", Such as paying attention to the official account and making an appointment in advance. Finally, on the topic of "how women do a good job in family financial planning", Guilian Chen, the person in charge of Danzhou of Taiping brokerage, shared from the perspective of professional and personal experience, followed the principle of "let nature take its course" and gave priority to "breakeven", such as insurance, pension, regular savings, etc. Everyone spoke freely, and the venue presented a good atmosphere of flowers and enthusiasm! Everyone said that they had gained a lot from the activities.



Flower face and light makeup were so beautiful

In a strong atmosphere, the activity came to an end. Shen Jie, director of Obstetrics Department of Western Hospital, made a summary. She first supplemented and shared female urinary incontinence from the perspective of postpartum recovery, and then encouraged everyone to cultivate diversified hobbies, colorful life, love and dedication, and be a dignified woman.
       最后,市妇联三级调研员余常汝做总结发言,她首先肯定了此次活动的意义,并从哲学角度分享该如何保持美丽健康,建议大家在工作的同时,多进行对工作 、家庭、人生与自然等的哲学思考,要夯实社会主义核心价值观,树立正确的三观,做新时代的美丽独立女性。
Finally, Changru Yu, a three-level researcher of the Municipal Women's Federation, made a concluding speech. She first affirmed the significance of this activity and shared how to maintain beauty and health from a philosophical point of view. She suggested that while working, we should think more about work, family, life and nature, consolidate the core socialist values, establish the correct three views, and be a beautiful and independent woman in the new era.
At the scene, honorary certificates were also awarded to Shen Jie, obstetric director of Western Hospital and Xiuqian Su, deputy director of the Women's Committee of Western Hospital, who won the honorary title of "constant love action · loving mother" in 2021.

At the end of the activity, we went to the front of the stage to take a group photo as a souvenir. The sisters who still have more ideas continued to discuss and exchange in the form of sitting around a long table. The flowers were fragrant tonight, and the women beside the flowers were like flowers blooming. It's the so-called: the color between the flowers is heavy, and the makeup is so beautiful!



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